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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Founding And Spread Of Buddhism, Hinduism,...

Often in history, when something is done right and praised by the masses, it is mimicked in some way in future instances. This can be seen in the variety of religions that have sprung up over time and gained large followings. Although they are all unique in their own way, certain aspects connect them and allow one to see how they all, in some way, influence each other. When analyzing the founding and spread of Buddhism, Sikhism, Confucianism, and Hinduism, it is evident that although there are many distinguishing differences between the four religions, there are multiple similarities that link them all with each other. The word Buddhism is derived from the word â€Å"budhi†, to awaken, so it makes sense that the creation of the religion begins with its founder’s awakening. It is said that Buddhism started in the 6th century due to the actions of its founder, Siddhartha Gautama, the wealthy warrior son of a king and queen in Lumbini (now Nepal). When Siddhartha was young , a soothsayer predicted that he would become a renouncer and his father showered him in luxuries, hoping to change this prediction. However, as a young man, Siddhartha went on a series of chariot rides in which he witnessed a variety of suffering people and came to the realization that material pleasures, such as his own, only serve to mask human suffering. After entering a period of severe and damaging renunciation and realizing that it only added suffering, Siddhartha meditated under a tree and woke up theShow MoreRelatedBuddhism : Life And Teachings Of Buddhism Essay1476 Words   |  6 PagesBuddhism is based on the life and teachings of Sakyamuni Buddha, who was a spiritual master who lived in the fifth century B.C.E. in what it is today Nepal and northeastern India. Even though the roots of Buddhism are in the Indian subcontinent, so that is shares many of the concerns of the complex of religions known collectively as Hinduism, it seeks to rise above all cultures and traditio ns and to lead all being (humans, deities, animals) up to perfect enlightenment and complete liberation fromRead MoreReligion And Its Role Within Societies 600 B.c11006 Words   |  45 Pagespeople that did it, because if it’s written down, it’s much easier to spread your beliefs and it’s harder to forget specifics of your religion or law. Writing down religious and political texts has greatly facilitated the religions’ diffusion and spread throughout the globe, and consequently, brought together and apart many more religious people and governments. What also helped currently popular and dominant religions spread was that most of them build upon the religious beliefs already acceptedRead MoreExamination of Cultural Diversity in America Essay2061 Words   |  9 Pagesa very important part of African American culture and remains important today. Their music such as ragtime, blues, and swing conveyed hidden messages, stories, and expressed feelings, much like music continues to do today. African American music spread across the country and the world and has been adapted into other cultures. The Black Power movement slowed the acculturation process and increased the growing interest of African culture; Healey states, â€Å"Beginning in the 1960’s, on one hand, thereRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words   |  319 Pagespoor in Jamaica in the early 1930s, the Rastafarian movement has progressed from being an obscure group of protesting outcasts in the ghettos of West Kingston to being a movement ï ¬ rmly entrenched in Jamaican society.1 From Jamaica, the movement has spread around the world, especially among oppressed people of African origin.2 Beyond people of African descent, Rastafari has been embraced by persons from numerous other ethnic groups around the world, especially by those who perceive themselves as suffering

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The War Of American History - 1967 Words

Through history neighbor has been fighting neighbor over land. Some of the conflicts have gone down in history as the most violent or largest of them all. The study of war must include all aspects of the struggle, including historical, financial, and political ramifications, as well as the conflict. Insight into the strategy used by military troops, the rational of the military leaders, how the economy was affected, provide an understanding of society during that time. Wars are studied for years after they cease. Whether studying the causes, results, economic situation, the destruction and reconstruction, or a particular battle and how it might have turned the tide one way or another. The Civil War has been written about for decades. Even in the twenty first century, authors and historians continue to examine the deadliest war in American history and find approaches to bring new life and new information to the story. History is important to examine and talk about. To quote Winston Ch urchill, â€Å"History is written by the victors.† Truer words may never have been spoken. Civilizations are controlled by the victors in a conflict such as war. The allegiance of the writer can affect a fair amount of bias regarding the annals of history. At the core, the Civil War started at Fort Sumter, South Carolina because the Confederate States wanted to continue to keep slaves and the President, along with the Union States wanted to end slavery. The war lasted 4 years and ended when GeneralShow MoreRelatedThe War Of American History847 Words   |  4 Pages Throughout history, neighbor has been fighting neighbor over land. Some of these wars have gone down in history as the most violent or largest of all wars. The study of war must include all aspects of the struggle, including historical, financial, and political ramifications. 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Being the new country’s firstRead MoreAmerican History : The Mexican American War1363 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout American History, started from Jamestown Americans started to settle upon Native American land by wiping them out or forcing them to move west. By 1846 throughout 1848, Americans approach Mexican territory’s land which they were eager to conquer and Manifest Density that was unstoppable and a goal for the United States. The conflict was the Mexicans weren t going to give up their land because of a selfish belief and were provoked to go to war against a stronger nation. A war broke outRead MoreAmerican History And The American Civil War1610 Words   |  7 PagesThroughout American history, the United States Mint has coined several denominations that would now be considered â€Å"odd† or â€Å"strange† by the general public: the half cent, two-cent piece, three-cent piece, hal f dime, twenty-cent piece, quarter eagle, three dollar piece, half eagle, eagle, and double eagle. At the time, however, many of these were seen in everyday circulation, a completely normal denomination. Each of them had a purpose behind its inception and a practical use after mintage. For exampleRead MoreThe Civil War On American History1206 Words   |  5 Pagescountry divided, the Civil War left a huge impact in history as it helped form what our nation is today. An inevitable conflict that was due in time to transform into a war, the Civil War was influenced by societal interests, economic changes along with political disagreements. Together, these influences sparked a nation into a great divide that ended in what is known as the deadliest war in American history. Just In the aftermath of the industrial revolution, the Civil War was ignited due to economicRead MoreThe Civil War And American History890 Words   |  4 Pages In American History many significant events took place that reflected religious faith of multiple Americans and has shaped the world we live in today. Throughout the 1800s, the most memorable times in America took place throughout the Civil War. Events that escalated before, during and even following the Civil War resulted in a chain of reactions from many people within that period. After analyzing the events of the Civil War, I was able to draw a connection to the actions of the soldiers, womenRead MoreAmerican History : The Civil War1138 Words   |  5 PagesWar makes us what we are. It changes our lives and makes our past into the future. One of the most important events in American history was the Civil War (1861 to 1865). The Civil War changed thousands of lives and our nation. At the beginning the Civil War, it divid ed our country but at the end of the Civil War, it brought our country back together recreating the United States. â€Å"But the Civil War defined us as what we are and it opened us to being what we became, good and bad things. It was theRead MoreThe Civil War And American History1528 Words   |  7 Pages Before we discuss the Civil War, we need to discuss how and what lead to this major turning point in American History. Both sides, the Union and the Confederate had its reasons to attack each other. Whether it be the lack of contribution towards the government by the South, or the constant disturbance to free slaves from the North, tempers flared years before the first shots were ever fired. The disagreements between the North and the South were too much for the South to endure, they felt forcedRead MoreAmerican History And The Civil War Essay1287 Words   |  6 PagesOne of American history’s famous battles involves the diverging of Northern and Southern states. Even wh en this time period itself is taught, at least from my experience learning it, that divide between Northern and Southern ideology seems even more pronounced. As United States territory expanded, so did hesitations of citizens on both sides—both Northerners and Southerners thought strongholds were put in place to sway governmental opinion, and consequently, actions. In order to bring the nationRead MoreAmerican History: The Vietnam War1670 Words   |  7 Pagesof the American Independent Party. The candidates did not know it at the time, but they would become part of the Presidential Election that would help shape American Politics to what they are today. The election of Richard Nixon in 1968 marked a turning point in the American political ideology, ultimately sparking a conservative revolution that would last the better part of the next 24 years. 1968 was one of the most chaotic and violent years in American history. The Vietnam War was being

Monday, December 9, 2019

Financial Analysis of Greencross Leading Retailers

Question: Describe about the Financial Analysis of Greencross for Leading Retailers. Answer: Introduction Greencross is one of the leading retailers of pet food in Australian market. In addition to that, the business of Greencross Limited deals in pet related products. By considering the business operations of the firm, the corporate business of Greencross includes the largest veterinary services in the Australian territory. The retail services of pet food of Greencross Limited have been operated under the brand name of Petbarn and City Farmers in the markets of Australia and New Zealand. There are 200 stores of the organisation to offer services to the clients. Currently, the contemporary business structure of the business has consolidated on the veterinary services providing the largest veterinary practices in the Australian market ("Greencross Limited", 2016). By offering specialists, medicine and pet care facilities, the enterprise has promised to go a long way in the business field. Herein, the financial analysis of the organisation has been presented to discuss the performance and productivity of the group in the past three years. Statement of Purpose The review of the financial analysis can determine the budgetary efficiency and business position of the firm. Through the identification of significant data and business patterns of Greencross Limited, analysis of balance sheet, horizontal and vertical trend analysis, and current income statement have been presented in the study paper for further consideration. By utilising the financial data of the last three years, important financial ratios such as profitability, capital structure, liquidity and efficiency of business of the organisation have been calculated (Palepu, Healy, Bernard, 2010). By identifying the trend and financial data analysis, the financial position of the organisation and market sustainability can be evaluated (Napier, 2011). In the following section, financial analysis of Greencross Limited has been described providing profitability measures, efficiency measures, liquidity measures and capital structure measures of the organisation. Also, income and loss analys is of the farm have been analysed in the review paper to provide a substantial knowledge on trend, horizontal and vertical analysis. Significantly, the review of the financial status has included the industry and competitors analysis for in-depth analysis standpoint. Greencross Limited Financial Analysis In order to analyse the financial position of Greencross Limited, it is important to observe the income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement of the company that are presented in appendix A, appendix B and appendix C respectively. The income statement presents the income and expenses of the firm and its profitability amounts. On the other hand the balance sheet presents the assets and liabilities of the company. It can be seen from last three years financial statement of Greencross Limited, that the company has incurred a huge loss in the year 2014 due to certain inadequate decisions. It can be seen that the impairment of assets that led to an expenditure of $130,000,000 led the company to a loss in the year 2014. Along with that, it can be seen that the assets figures of the company has grown in the last three years. Hence, to understand the financial position and growth of the company several ratios measures have been used such as profitability measures, efficiency measu res, liquidity measures and capital structure measures. Profitability Measures Through the identification of the income statement provided in appendix A, a clear position on profitability of the organisation can be drawn. As per the income statement, in 2013 the revenue of the organisation was $261,517,000 whereas in 2014 in was revised to $370,445,000 showing the improvement in the business. In 2015, the revenue figure was increased more as the revenue data was registered as $645,016,000 ("Greencross Limited Annual Report", 2016). From the revenue point of view, higher numbers have shown the positive business environment (McLaney Atrill, 2012). The comprehensive income statements standpoint, some negative numbers has been posted by the firm as in 2014 the income was registered as in negative figure down by 1477% from 2013. Meanwhile, in 2015, the comprehensive income of the owners of the group has been revised to $22,143,000 up by 259% from 2013 ("Greencross Limited Annual Report", 2016). As far as ratios are concerned the liquidity and profitability ratios h ave shown that ROA, ROE and Gross Profit Margin are significantly declined from 2013 to 2015 though the net profit margin has remained unchanged as shown in appendix G. Efficiency Measures The efficiency measures helps to analyse the efficiency of the organisation in using its liabilities and assets. Furthermore, it helps to observe the amount of revenue that the company is capable of earning using a certain amount of investment. The asset turnover ratio is used to analyse the amount of revenue earned by the company over the invested assets. Looking at the financial statements, it can be seen that the asset turnover ratio of the company has gradually decreased in the last three years from 1.6 to 0.79. Hence, it presents a poor performance of the company. On the other hand, the number of days for inventory turnover has also increased in the last three years. Greencross Limited has also evident a fall in the inventory turnover from 4.05 to 3.42. Hence, it can be seen that the efficiency of the company has declined in the last three years. The efficiency ratios are presented in appendix G for further consideration. Liquidity Measures The liquidity measure is used to analyse the ability of Greencross Limited to pay the current liabilities of the firm (Revsine, Collins, Johnson, 2015)s. Looking at the current ratio, it can be seen that the Greencross Limited is quite capable of meeting its current liabilities with a positive current ratio. Now, when the quick ratio is considered, it can be seen that the company will not be able to meet its current liabilities without selling its inventories. The cash flow to sales ratio shows poor operating cash generated by the company over the total revenue. Hence, it is important for the company to improve its liquid cash by maintain a proper working capital to carry on with its activities (Gowthorpe, 2008). The liquidity ratio measures are presented in appendix G for further consideration. Capital Structure Measures The capital structure of the company presents the proportion of equity as compared to the total debt of the firm. It is important for an organisation to maintain equal proportion of equity and debt to increase shareholders value (Hickman, Lester, Hickman, 2016). It can be seen from the capital structure measures that the debt to equity ratio of the company has fallen in the recent three years. It shows that the amount of equity has increased as compared to the debt. Hence, the company has earned a better positioning in the share market (Robinson, 2009). Considering the debt ratio and equity ratio, it can be seen that the proportion of debt verses equity in the company has developed in the last three years that increases the shareholders value and helps the company to gain better reputation in the share market (Horrigan, 2008). The capital structure measures are presented in appendix G for further consideration. Income and Loss Analysis of Greencross Limited The income and loss analysis of Greencross Limited has included horizontal, vertical and trend analysis to identify the revenue standards and productivity out of the business in the previous three years such as 2013, 2014 and 2015 respectively. Herein, detail analysis of the income and loss structure of the organisation has been presented providing supportive data and appendices. Trend Analysis The trend analysis of Greencross Limited has shown significant improvement in the revenue on year on year basis. As shown in appendix E, in 2013 the recorded revenue was $261,517,000 and in 2014 the revised revenue has been registered as $370,445,000. Conclusively, the revenue figure has been up by 142% showing the strength of the retail business of Greencross Limited within the target market. In 2015, the revenue is up by 247% as the revenue was recorded as $64, 5016,000. Also, the profit before income tax expenses was $35,215,000 in 2015. The comprehensive income statement of the firm has showed some negativities as in 2014 the income was registered as in negative figure down by 1477% from 2013. Meanwhile, in 2015, the comprehensive income of the owners of the group has been revised to $22,143,000 up by 259% from 2013 ("Greencross Limited Annual Report", 2016). Currently, the trend analysis of the firm has delivered a substantial status of the current financial position of the ente rprise. Horizontal Analysis The horizontal analysis helps to observe the year wise growth of financial performance of the Greencross Limited. It helps to examine the budgetary articulations for a given period (Marshall, 2008). It can be seen that the company has performed well in the financial year 2014-15 and compared to the financial year 2013-14. It can be seen that the impairment of assets was the primary reason for loss that has been incurred by the company in the year 2014. Greencross Limited has effectively recovered the impairment expenses and has gained a positive figure in the financial statement. Furthermore, it can be seen that the expenses of the company has increased at a higher rate in the financial year 2014-15 as compared to 2013-14. Hence, it is important for Greencross Limited to cut down the expenses by taking necessary steps and implementing new financial strategies. The horizontal analysis of the income statement is presented in Appendix D for further consideration. Vertical Analysis The vertical analysis is used to identify the proportion of the cost as compared to the revenue earned through the operations of the company (Vilcox Mohan, 2007). It can be seen through the vertical analysis of the income statement that the gross profit of the company has increased in the last three years. But, when net profit is considered, a constant net profit margin can be seen at 3 percent in the year 2013 and 2015. On the other hand, the company has incurred a huge amount of loss in the year 2014. Furthermore, it can be seen that the employee benefit expenses has increase in the last three years from 17.18 percent to 26.04 percent. The other expense of Greencross Limited had remained constant at a particular level. Hence, it is important for the company to cut down the rising expenses on employee benefit to increase profitability. Furthermore, Greencross Limited needs to cut down other expenses to raise profitability and grow in the market (Jenner, Silvester, Atrill, 2011). T he vertical analysis of the income statement is presented in Appendix F for further consideration. Industry and Competitor Analysis In the contemporary business scenario, Greencross Limited has created a monopoly business structure in the Australian market creating massive futuristic opportunities. The retail stores and veterinary services and facilities provided by the firm have provided substantial competitive edge over the competitors (DesJardins McCall, 2010). Primarily, Greencrosss retail and services business has one primary challenger such as National Vet Care. The closest vet competitor of the veterinary services of Greencross Limited has made significant growth in the last few years or so providing significant facilities and services towards the clients (Vilcox Mohan, 2007). Due to the presence of National Vet Care, a strong competition has to be dealt with. Under the current market scenario, the NVCs Board of Directors have applied for merger and acquisition tactics to become the second largest market player in the veterinary services industry (Rosenbach, Taylor, Youndt, 2012). In the current financial position, NVC has a revenue figure of $53.2 million in 2016. At the same time, $9.6 million EBITDA has been expected showing the financial strength of the competitor. According to the financial reports of NVC, the market cap of the organisation has been achieved to $50.7 million creating opportunities to buy new veterinary clinics in the target market. Understandably, Greencross Limiteds market value of $650 million must be compared to the nearest market challenger to show the monopolistic operating business of Greencross Limited. Under the given scenario, the Australian retail market for pet food and veterinary services have been expanded at a considerable pace (Palmer, 2013). Thus, it is high time for Greencross Limited to identify the real scopes within the market for further growth. Probably, new services and clinics will be the best options to improve the margin of revenue and profitability. Conclusion The current financial analysis of Greencross Limited has shown the financial strength and income status of the company. The impressive revenue figure and income standards of the organisation have also voted for the productivity scale of the business. The effective ratios of the financial analysis have also determined a strong financial position of the group. Undoubtedly, the operating business of the firm can achieve new financial positions in the upcoming future as the services and facilities will reach new locations. The liquidity and profitability ratios have shown that ROA, ROE and Gross Profit Margin are significantly declined from 2013 to 2015 though the net profit margin has remained unchanged. References DesJardins, J. McCall, J. (2010).Contemporary issues in business ethics. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth. Gowthorpe, C. (2008).Financial analysis. Oxford: CIMA. Greencross Limited. (2016).Greencrosslimited.com.au. Retrieved September 2016, from https://www.greencrosslimited.com.au/about/greencross-limited.aspx Greencross Limited Annual Report. (2016).Greencrosslimited.com.au. Retrieved September 2016, from https://www.greencrosslimited.com.au/Investor-Relations/Downloads.aspx Hickman, J., Lester, E., Hickman, J. (2016).Financial ratio analyst. New York: Warren, Gorham Lamont. Horrigan, J. (2008).Financial ratio analysis. New York: Arno Press. Jenner, M., Silvester, M., Atrill, P. (2011).Workbook to accompany Accounting, an introduction. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W.: Pearson Education. Marshall, B. (2008).The accounting. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. McLaney, E. Atrill, P. (2012).Accounting. Harlow: Financial Times/Prentice Hall. Napier, C. (2011). Accounting history and accounting progress.Accounting History,6(2), 7-31. https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/103237320100600202 Palepu, K., Healy, P., Bernard, V. (2010).Business analysis valuation. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western College Pub. Palmer, J. (2013).Financial ratio analysis. New York, N.Y.: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Revsine, L., Collins, D., Johnson, W. (2015).Financial reporting and analysis. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Robinson, T. (2009).International financial statement analysis. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons. Rosenbach, W., Taylor, R., Youndt, M. (2012).Contemporary issues in leadership. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press. Vilcox, M. Mohan, T. (2007).Contemporary issues in business ethics. New York: Nova Science Pub. Welsch, G. Anthony, R. (2007).Fundamentals of financial accounting. 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Sunday, December 1, 2019

Music Appreciation Unit review free essay sample

It was a popular theme because many people could relate it to their lives and their situation. 3) Disco had soaring vocals and a beat that made you want to dance- Rhythm often emphasized. It didnt play a tempo to fast nor slow (between 100-130 BPML) and was made in the 1 asss. 4) The British Invasion is when British boy bands and their music started to become very popular in the United States of America. The Beetles were a large impact in this movement. They mixed many different kinds of music getter which then caused others to do as well. The Beetles also sang about social issues while still incorporating catchy lyrics and rhythm. 5) A boy band usually consist of 3-6 younger male singers and they rarely use instruments. They also perform highly choreographed dance routines. And they all have their classifications Critical Thinking Questions: 1) Yes I believe music is still used as a form of protest. We will write a custom essay sample on Music Appreciation Unit review or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There are still many songs where the sole purpose of lyrical is to protest some social issue. For example the band Knickknack sings many songs about coming together to help everyone.Like in their song When We Stand Together, a lyric that pops out is when we could feed a starving world with what we throw away. But all we serve are empty words that always taste the same. While many of us know that there less fortunate people out in the world fighting to feed themselves, some take for granted that they have dinner every night. And Knickknack tried to write this song that confronted the issue that we all have o look out for one another.And there are plenty of other bands/singers that confront social and political issues. 2) Yes I believe music has become really commercialism today. Many artists are just singing for the money. Or there are some that just want to do it in order to be popular and gain their five seconds of fame. You can see this in their attitudes- caring more about the outfit theyre wearing or the car they get to show off instead of setting time aside to actually interact with their fans.